Join Friends of Allegheny Wilderness
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The Allegheny National Forest is significantly underrepresented in terms of
acreage allocated to America's National Wilderness Preservation System under the Wilderness Act of 1964. At less
than two percent of it's land protected as wilderness, the Allegheny lags behind the national average of 18 percent
for all national forest land.
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness seeks to foster an appreciation of
wilderness values and benefits, and to work with local communities to ensure
that increased wilderness protection is a priority of the stewardship of the
Allegheny National Forest.
You can help us to protect Pennsylvania's wilderness for future generations to use and enjoy. Click the link below to download a printable form.
Please print the page out and follow the directions. Your contribution to Friends of
Allegheny Wilderness goes directly to saving wilderness!
Click to download contribution form

Exploring the Tionesta Research Natural Area. Photo by Tim Walter

Ancient forest of the Hearts Content Scenic Area. Photo by Dean Wells.