Press Releases
April 6, 2016 -- Volunteer Work Weekend in Minister Creek Area
February 13, 2016 -- Bobnar Joins Friends of Allegheny Wilderness Board of Directors
August 28, 2015 -- Volunteers Needed for Ash Seed Collection
August 17, 2015 -- Battle of Thompson's Island Public Meetings September 8th and 9th
May 26, 2015 -- Emerald Ash Borer Workshop Scheduled for June 18
April 23, 2015 -- Howard Zahniser's 1937 Allegheny River Journal Now Available
December 8, 2014 -- FAW Director Joins North Country Trail Association Board of Directors
March 31, 2014 -- FAW and ANF Team Up at Big Green Screen to Celebrate Wilderness
March 18, 2014 -- Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Monitoring Workshop Offered at University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
December 18, 2013 -- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Confirmed in the Tionesta Research Natural Area
September 4, 2013 -- Wilderness Act 50th Celebration Countdown Begins
May 30, 2013 -- FAW, ANF, and FCI McKean Team Up to Help Restore the Wild
April 8, 2013 -- Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to Host Trip Down Allegheny River
March 18, 2013 -- Website Launched to Celebrate Wilderness 50th Anniversary
December, 2012 -- Statement of the Elk Township Historical Society on the Citizens' Wilderness Proposal for Pennsylvania's Allegheny National Forest
April 19, 2012 -- Elk Township Historical Society Endorses Citizens' Wilderness Proposal
July 22, 2011 -- Conservation Groups Decry "Great Outdoors Giveaway" Anti-Wilderness Bill
February 2, 2011 -- FAW backpacking trip into proposed Minister Valley Wilderness in Allegheny National Forest
December 7, 2010 -- Audubon Pennsylvania Joins Coalition to Protect Allegheny National Forest
October 26, 2010 -- Conservationists Laud Tester Bill as Possible Model for Allegheny National Forest
October 11, 2010 -- Obama Administration Throws Support Behind Montana Wilderness Bill
June 9, 2010 -- Clarion Wildlife Society Endorses Citizens' Wilderness Proposal
May 17, 2010 -- Pennsylvania Wilderness Coaltion formed
April 26, 2010 -- Western Pennsylvania Conservancy June sojourn to the Allegheny Islands Wilderness
March 9, 2010 -- Come to the FAW fundraiser at the TREC in Erie March 26!
December 17, 2009 -- FAW supports S. 1470, the Forest Jobs and Recreation Act of 2009
September 25, 2009 -- Walkin' Jim Stoltz in Erie, Saturday, October 3!
September 2, 2009 -- America's Wilderness Turns 45: Conservationists call for more protection
April 6, 2009 -- National Wildlife Federation endorses ANF Citizens' Wilderness Proposal
January 23, 2009 -- Scientists Advocate Pennsylvania Wilderness Protection
October 3, 2008 -- More Than 100 Regional Businesses Endorse Citizens' Wilderness Proposal
July 22, 2008 -- 100th Anniversary of Birth of Conservative Wilderness Advocate Recognized
April 22, 2008 -- Proposed Allegheny National Forest Wilderness Receives National Spotlight
October 4, 2007 -- Wilderness Designations to Provide Benefits to Local ANF Economy
August 16, 2007 -- FAW Observes Passing of Howard Zahniser Sibling
July 30, 2007 -- Clearwater Conservancy endorses ANF Citizens’ Wilderness Proposal
July 20, 2007 -- Crary Art Gallery to Exhibit Art Inspired by Proposed ANF Wilderness
March 30, 2007 -- Congress, not Forest Service, is Decider on Wilderness
March 27, 2007 -- Pennsylvania Ikes endorse ANF Citizens’ Wilderness Proposal
January 7, 2007 -- WQLN & Friends of Allegheny Wilderness Team Up
November 30, 2006 -- Pennsylvanians Favor Citizens' Wilderness Proposal Over Draft Plan
October 19, 2006 -- Volunteers Needed to Complete Hickory Creek Wilderness Trail
June 15, 2006 -- Article on Proposed Morrison Run Wilderness Area Wins Prestigious Award
May 19, 2006 -- Conservationists Dissapointed With Lack of Wilderness Offered in Allegheny Plan
April 3, 2006 -- Friends of Allegheny Wilderness to present Wilderness Documentary at Clarion University
February 16, 2006 -- Tionesta Native Howard Zahniser to be Celebrated
November 6, 2005 -- Support for Friends of Allegheny Wilderness Continues to Grow
October 28, 2005 -- Tionesta Native Howard Zahniser Subject of New Biography
April 25, 2005 -- Keystone Trails Association Endorses Wilderness Proposal
September 28, 2004 -- Friends of Allegheny Wilderness Travels to Nation’s Capital
October 13, 2003 -- Potential Wilderness System Additions Identified in Commonwealth’s Only National Forest
August 13, 2001 -- Howard Zahniser Historical Marker to be Designated in Tionesta

East Fork Run in the Tionesta Research Natural Area. Photo by Dean Wells.
Updated 1/11/13
Below are volunteer opportunities and activities for those interested in being involved in the Friends of Allegheny Wilderness campaign to protect Pennsylvania's wilderness. Please contact FAW for further information about any of these activities, or to suggest others. Thanks for your help and support, and please keep checking back for new activities!
Ongoing -- Hikes within areas of the Allegheny National Forest that FAW has proposed for wilderness designation. Ideally, what each proposed wilderness area needs is a dedicated individual or small group of individuals to "adopt" the area -- explore, study, photograph, and advocate for its protection as wilderness independently of the broader FAW campaign. If you would like to schedule a hike into a potential wilderness, or for information on areas of the Forest you might adopt and advocate wilderness protection for yourself, please contact FAW.
June 22 -- Allegheny Islands Wilderness Big Trees! Join the Native Tree Society (NTS), FAW, and Allegheny Outfitters as we host Ed Frank of the NTS, presenting the findings of his organization's report, "Trees and Forests of the Allegheny River Islands Wilderness and Nearby Islands: Interim Report through December 2011." The presentation will be held at the Allegheny Outfitter's store on Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Warren at 6:00 p.m. Contact Friends of Allegheny Wilderness at for more information.
June 16 -- Join the Elk Township Historical Society and FAW for a screening of the one-hour documentary Forever Wild, narrated by Robert Redford. Bonfire at 8:00, the film starts at 9:00. Contact Friends of Allegheny Wilderness at for more information.
September 2010 -- The "Our Town" series began in 1996 with Bradford, Pennsylvania. After 55 episodes in this WPSU series, they have returned for a 2010 glimpse of this picturesque town surrounded by the Allegheny National Forest. Friends of Allegheny Wilderness, the wild & wonderful proposed Chestnut Ridge Wilderness Area, and FAW efforts to preserve wilderness in the Allegheny National Forest in general are one of the profiled stories in the program.
March 2010 -- Friends of Allegheny Wilderness hosted a screening of Forever Wild with Robert Redford at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center on Friday, March 5, 2010. WICU Erie TV-12's popular reporter Amanda Post promoted this event on the Thursday, March 4 five-thirty p.m. news broadcast.
May 2008 -- Erie's WQLN recently interviewed FAW and Sierra Club member Roger Knacke and Kirk Johnson of FAW about the impending trouble for the proposed Chestnut Ridge Wilderness Area. Chestnut Ridge was recently identified as one of ten national Treasures in Trouble by the Campaign for America's Wilderness.
December 2007 -- View the Pittsburgh Tribune Review video showing the proposed Morrison Run Wilderness Area.
July 2007 -- Doug again graced the region's airwaves when he was interviewed for WYEP in Pittsburgh's July 11 "Allegheny Front" radio program. Listen online here!
March 2007 -- Doug Scott, Policy Director for the Campaign for America's Wilderness, and author of The Enduring Wilderness: Protecting our Natural Heritage Through the Wilderness Act, traveled to the Allegheny National Forest region to discuss his book and the outlook for permanently protecting additional Pennsylvania wilderness in 2007. His WBFO interview (Buffalo, NY) ran on the station's "Morning Edition" programming last March
News Archive
The FAW wilderness campaign for the Allegheny National Forest has been extensively covered by local and statewide news media. Below are links to PDF files of a selection of archived articles. (You'll need a pdf reader like Adobe Acrobat to view these.)
Wilderness staff leaders retreat at Allegheny forest November 21, 2019, Oil City Derrick
Wilderness areas no place for bike trails October 11, 2016, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Tracy Ridge is Wilderness October 2, 2016, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Feds flip-flop on Tracy Ridge wilds area August 12, 2016, Pennsylvania Outdoor News
Keep the Wild in Wilderness August 12, 2016, Erie Times News
North Country Trail gives hikers walk on wild side August 7, 2016, Centre Daily Times
Tracy Ridge prime example of wilderness in east June 17, 2016, Warren Times Observer
Keep our wilderness areas wilderness April 9, 2016, Warren Times Observer
Home of the Wolves March 30, 2016, The Forest Press
FAW offering three hikes for Greenways Summit September 18, 2015, Warren Times Observer
Volunteers on the Hickory Creek Wilderness trail September 14, 2015, Warren Times Observer
Allegheny River and Conewango Creek Cleanup September 2, 2015, The Forest Press
Hickory Creek Wilderness Trail Stewardship August 6, 2015, Warren Times Observer
The Wilderness Writings of Howard Zahniser July 29, 2015, The Meadville Tribune
FAW Allegheny Reservoir Cleanup June 14, 2015, Jamestown Post-Journal
Rare writings of conservation giant published May 9, 2015, Warren Times Observer
Howard Zahniser's 1937 Allegheny River Journal May 6, 2015, The Forest Press
Zahniser Canoe Trip Journal April 27, 2015, The Bradford Era
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness Backpacking February 19, 2015, The Bradford Era
Westover wins FAW photograph February 12, 2015, Warren Times Observer
Battle of Thompson's Island Questions February 11, 2015, The Forest Press
A 236-year-old Mystery February 4, 2015, Warren Times Observer
Saving Hemlocks February, 2015, Pennsylvania Game News
Life, Liberty, and Library January 28, 2015, The Forest Press
The 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act January-March, 2015, North Star
In celebrating Wilderness Act, expand legacy December 29, 2014, The Philadelphia Inquirer
FAW director named to NCTA board December 15, 2014, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness Character and Our Projection of Desire December 2014, Int'l Journal of Wilderness
WPC Trail Work With FAW Winter, 2014, Conserve Magazine
Quick Center to host speech October 24, 2014, The Bona Venture
SBU speaker to talk wilderness issues October 21, 2014, Olean Times Herald
Unparalleled nature photography September 18, 2014, Erie Times News
Still Wild 50 Years Later September 8, 2014, Erie Times News
Pennsylvania's link to the Wilderness Act September 1, 2014, Harrisburg Patriot News
FAW Allegheny River cleanup August 30, 2014, The Bradford Era
Major wilderness photo show opens in Warren August 30, 2014, Erie Times News
Call of the Wild August 28, 2014, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness at 50: Reflections on Howard Zahniser August 27, 2014, The Forest Press
Celebrating 50th anniversary of Wilderness Act August 7, 2014, Warren Times Observer
FAW group to scout hemlock-killing pest May 31, 2014, The Bradford Era
FAW works with USFS on conservation projects April 3, 2014, Warren Times Observer
Allegheny Plateau Hemlock Collaboration March 18, 2014, The Nature Conservancy
Wins FAW Art February 13, 2014, Warren Times Observer
Crary, FAW set photo show and contest December 30, 2013, Warren Times Observer
Saving Hemlocks December 22, 2013, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Allegheny Hemlock Conservation Partnership November, 2013, The Forestry Source
Letter: Take a walk in the wild September 29, 2013, Erie Times News
National Wilderness Month deserves consideration September 15, 2013, Erie Times News
HWA Confirmed in Warren County August 29, 2013, Warren Times Observer
Workshop to save hemlocks held at Pitt Bradford August 9, 2013, The Bradford Era
The beauty of Bullis Hollow June 20, 2013, Warren Times Observer
FAW Honors Earth Day May 15, 2013, The Forest Press
Allegheny sojourn will push off June 1 April 27, 2013, Warren Times Observer
Hickory Creek stewardship weekend set April 11, 2013, Warren Times Observer
Give a kid memories of trout fishing April 7, 2013, Erie Times News
Wilderness Graffiti February 14, 2013, Warren Times Observer
Allegheny Wilderness is Worth Protecting November 25, 2012, Jamestown Post-Journal
Court upholds Roadless Rule October 3, 2012, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness Expansion is a Good Thing September 6, 2012, Jamestown Post-Journal
FAW in D.C. to Celebrate Wilderness Act History August 27, 2012, The Bradford Era
Stop assault on public land August 9, 2012, Scranton Times-Tribune
Do not give up your 'big backyard' August 5, 2012, The Pocono Record
FAW and the Allegheny National Forest Spring 2012, MESsages
FAW wilderness proposal gaining support April 28, 2012, The Bradford Era
Historical group back wilderness proposal April 25, 2012, Warren Times Observer
Group Works To Protect Forest By Law February 26, 2012, Jamestown Post-Journal
Keep wilderness roadless February 9, 2012, Delaware County Daily Times
Proposed Tracy Ridge Wilderness featured November 1, 2011, The Bradford Era
A legacy too precious to destroy October 24, 2011, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Rescind support for legislation October 18, 2011, The Bradford Era
Help stop Great Outdoors Giveaway October 2, 2011, West Chester Daily Local
Rescind support of anti-wilderness bill September 19, 2011, Centre Daily Times
Local groups concerned about Tracy Ridge August 1, 2011, The Bradford Era
Letter: Proposed bill a threat July 5, 2011, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Letter: Bill endangers forests June 30, 2011, Butler Eagle
Wilderness groups join forces April 1, 2011, Warren Times Observer
FAW plans Hickory Creek trail cleanup April 1-3 March 17, 2011, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness Stewardship Conference in Las Vegas February 24, 2011, The Bradford Era
On the Trail: Cross-country skiing in ANF February 6, 2011, Centre Daily Times
FAW plans trip into proposed wilderness area February 3, 2011, The Bradford Era
Audubon PA joins coalition to protect ANF December 8, 2010, The Bradford Era
Favorite Hike in PA's ANF: Minister Valley July-September, 2010, North Star Magazine
Concerns in the Allegheny National Forest Summer 2010, American Forests
FAW president explains mission July 23, 2010, The Bradford Era
Wilderness Coalition July 14, 2010, Warren Times Observer
Designate the wilderness June 10, 2010, The Buffalo News
New Wilderness Advocacy Coalition Formed May 26, 2010, The Forest Press
Coalition aims to make part of ANF wilderness May 18, 2010, The Bradford Era
Protecting the Wild April 10, 2010, Jamestown Post-Journal
FAW featured at Ikes' national convention Spring 2010, Outdoor America
'Forever Wild' celebrates America's wilderness March 4, 2010, Erie Times News
FAW announces new board president February 17, 2010, The Bradford Era
Camping in the cold Feb. 14, 2010, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Johnstown's continuing wilderness legacy Feb. 11, 2010, Somerset Daily American
Erie Outing Club president honored January 24, 2010, Erie Times News
Wilderness acts mark birthdays November 13, 2009, Erie Times News
FAW, ANF highlighted in new book October 13, 2009, The Bradford Era
Wild and wonderful Sept. 3, 2009, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The flatlander and the backhoe August 30, 2009, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Through the woods in new book July 13, 2009, Olean Times Herald
FAW highlighted in America's Wilderness Summer, 2009, The Wilderness Society
Bill Meadows: PA deserves protetion April 22, 2009, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
NWF backs expansion of wilderness April 7, 2009, The Bradford Era
Preserve more wilderness February 15, 2009, The Buffalo News
Allegheny gets push for wilderness January 26, 2009, Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Songbirds cry out for wilderness January 15, 2009, Erie Times-News
Slice of wilderness October 25, 2008, Harrisburg Patriot News
FAW solicits business backing October 13, 2008, Warren Times Observer
National forest trail is a gem October 12, 2008, Centre Daily Times
Backyard wilderness August 9, 2008, Warrren Times Observer
Chestnut Ridge listed as endangered land April 26, 2008, Warren Times Observer
Ten Treasures in Trouble April, 2008, Campaign for America's Wilderness
Here's an opportunity for state's U.S. forest February 21, 2008, Patriot News
Wild at Heart December 16, 2007, Tribune-Review
Full text of 12/16/07 Wild at Heart article
More wilderness, more jobs, says advocates' study October 5, 2007, Warren Times Observer
ANF Wilderness: Economic Benefits for Penna. The Wilderness Society, September, 2007
A 'Wilderness Hero' May 8, 2007, The Titusville Herald
Saving a forest April 29, 2007, Harrisburg Patriot News
Despite debate, Tracy Ridge still wild April 7, 2007, Erie Times-News
Preserve more wilderness April 6, 2007, The Buffalo News
Allegheny needs wilderness areas February 6, 2007, Erie Times-News
Keep it real: Allegheny National deserves more January 30, 2007, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Wild Allegheny January 21, 2007, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Allegheny needs more protection Erie Times News, October 3, 2006
Allegheny National Forest: Let More Grow Wild September 30, 2006, Philadelphia Inquirer
Revise Forest plan to protect state's wilderness August 3, 2006, Harrisburg Patriot News
Local author recieves award June 21, 2006, Warren Times Observer
Forest law intent frustrated by ruling May 14, 2006, Harrisburg Patriot News
Pennsylvanian made Wilderness Act happen February 24, 2006, Erie Times News
Father of Wilderness Act to be honored February 23, 2006, Warren Times Observer
Embrace all needs in new forest plan December 19, 2005, The Meadville Tribune
Additional groups endorse ANF citizen proposal November 17, 2005, The Bradford Era
Tionesta native subject of new biography November 4, 2005, The Titusville Herald
Forest folly Sept. 28, 2005, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Planners rule out forest roadless areas September 13, 2005, Erie Times-News
Bureaucrats 1, Nature 0 July 28, 2005, The Buffalo News
The Allegheny Wilderness July, 2005, Pennsylvania Game News
FAW raps buffer zone directive June 15, 2005, Warren Times Observer
Letter to editor from PA Trout Unlimited May 25, 2005, The Forest Press
Winter brings beauty, challenges to Morrison Run March 4, 2005, Warren Times Observer
Balance requires intelligent, bipartisan decisions February 25, 2005, Erie Times-News
A wondrous act of man September 6, 2004, Philadelphia Inquirer
Gaining wilderness designation slow process August 27, 2004, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness program manager to appear in forum August 25, 2004, The Bradford Era
FAW canoe trip to mark 40th anniversary August 20, 2004, Warren Times Observer
Escape To: Tracy Ridge August 1, 2004, Erie Times-News
Great Swamp Wilderness Report February, 2004, CAW
Allegheny group working to save wilderness January 25, 2004, The Buffalo News
Our Opinion: ADP Complaint Marginal August 27, 2003, Warren Times Observer
A Forest Partnership July 7, 2003, Warren Times Observer
Wilderness areas proposed for Elk County June 3, 2003, St. Marys Daily Press
Group Wants More Land Designated as Wilderness March 14, 2003, The Bradford Era
It's possible to favor logging and wilderness January 2, 2003, Warren Times Observer
Forest's future December 12, 2002, Patriot News
Honoring a Wilderness Vision Summer 2002, Wild Earth
Our opinion: Merit in wilderness Feb. 19, 2002, Warren Times Observer
Green vs. green Dec. 27, 2001, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Group wants to turn clock back on parts of forest October 15, 2001, Erie Times-News
Architect of wilderness August 12, 2001, Harrisburg Patriot News
Historical Marker being dedicated August 7, 2001, The Titusville Herald
Champion of American Wilderness April 18, 2001, The Forest Press
We have to offer more April 10, 2001, Warren Times Observer
Zahniser letter March 28, 2001, The Forest Press
Canandaigua Treaty event draws 5,000 Nov. 13, 1994, Canandaigua Daily Messenger
Tionesta RNA Oil, Gas, Mineral Rights Acquired April, 1988, Conserve Magazine
Hickory Creek Designated January, 1985, Conserve Magazine
Reagan signs law for Pa. wilderness area October 31, 1984, The Bradford Era
Allegheny Wilderness Bill Signed October 31, 1984, Warren Times Observer
Allegheny Forest Spared By Carter April 18, 1979, Washington Observer Reporter
Tracy Ridge Wilderness Wins Carter's Support April 17, 1979, Warren Times Observer
Johnson Says ANF Land Out of Wilderness Bill October 22, 1974, Warren Times Observer
Tracy Ridge Wilderness Study February 1, 1973, Pennsylvania Sierra Club
Howard Zahniser's New York Times Obituary May 5, 1964, New York Times

Large woody debris in the Tionesta Scenic Area as a result of a tornado that swept the region in May of 1985. Photo by Scott MacDonald.

Philipsburg Run, proposed Clarion River Wilderness Area. Photo by Bob Stoudt.